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I just finished the demo and it's just, ugh... it's just A-W-E-S-O-M-E! I love the pixel art, the plot and the naration is amazing and all the combination of RPG, shooting and puzzle game is just awesome!!! I loved every little part of the demo and i'm looking forward to play the full version! I hope you will release it soon :3 One question, how much will the full version cost, more or less?


Thank you, we're glad you enjoyed it! While we haven't settled on a set price point at this time based on the rewards on our Indiegogo campaign you can expect the game to be around $15 USD

This demo was awesome! The narrative and setting and visuals was definitely the strongest part of it. I don't think anyone would say the moving block puzzles added anything to the game (personally it just felt like filler), but everything else, and how narrative choices affect characters stamina, and becomes a language puzzle, is really good. Really want to see where the story goes.

(also one of the battles was unfortunately impossible to complete because of my choices earlier and having not enough health. Hope in the final version there's at least a way to avoid impossible saves that force replaying the game again.)


This game is gorgeous and so engaging - and believe me, it's a huge compliment from me since I'm not very fond of anything that wouldn't have fantasy or SF elements, usually. But the characters are great and the art is beautiful. With that, and the very interesting story so far, it's hard not to like the game. I can't wait for the full release to be out!

Thank you so much for your kind words, it's really nice to hear that! We can't wait to release the full game either!


Played the demo and I really enjoyed it! Just a question, this game will most likely be priced, yes?

Thank you! Yes, the full version will be commercial.


AHHHHHHHH!!!! This is sosososososososo great holy maccaroni and canoli! That was AWESOME!!! I'm super excited for when the full thing comes out. The style, art, and mechanics are all so beautiful and very fluid. The characters are fun and the world is super cool! I am so excited to divide head first into this game when it comes out. <3 Thanks for the amazing demo!!!

Sorry for the awfully late reply! Thank you so much for your comment, we're so glad you enjoyed the demo and liked the characters ♥!


I finished the demo 2 minutes ago and now I can't wait to play the full game ><

Aww, I'm glad to hear that, thanks :D!


this game is awesome imagine if this game became an anime.... it would be awesome!!


Aww, thank you! If they ever do, I hope there's a filler episode about the characters going to the beach/hot springs (?)


That would be great!

this game went a long way! nice job Camila,

keep the hard work, hopefully we'll see that anime one day!

Deleted 227 days ago

Whoa, thank you so much, it means a lot that you feel that way about it.

Thank you for recording a Let's Play, I'm glad you enjoyed the demo!


I wanna support this game because I just finished the demo but I cant afford all of the perks T^T

Aww, thank you! The game has been fully funded, so there's no rush to buy the perks. I appreciate the thought anyway!


I know, But I really want to get the perks for this game because it looks really cool.

When is the game scheduled to release?

Sorry for taking so long to reply. The game is scheduled for Q1 2018.

(1 edit)

I created this account just to inform you that the Mac version of the game has trouble running the OSX LGD demo, as it said "game" is damaged and can't be opened. Gimme a update if there is anything you could do.

Hi there! I'm really sorry for the inconvenience. There's currently an issue with El Capitan, but we're looking into it!

Is there gonna be a update regarding such issues for mac soon?

If we do, by all means we will update the demo.

Hey Camila,

I'm interested in developing games through programming and was wondering how you made the game and what program you used. (C#.C++, etc)


Super awesome game. Such a lovely vibe. I really like the music and the art is gorgeous. Impressive!!

Thank you so much, it really means a lot to hear that


Just finished the demo, cannot wait to see more. Playing this made me feel really good, I love its simplicity. Thank you for sharing this with us! ^^


This is by far my favorite RPG Game! I am glad to get to see this game grow and will gladly purchase the full game when it is out! I also made a video on it!

Whoa, that's a really nice thing to say! I'm so glad you enjoyed the demo, thank you so much for making a Let's Play

Yes I have been wanting to develop a 2D story driven RPG for the longest time! This kinda inspired me to get started on doing that and not slacking off!


I am absolutely loving the game! The story and art is amazing! hope to see more of it soon~ I had fun playing it and getting to know the story ^.^

Thank you! I'm so glad to hear that. I can't wait to show the full story!

(1 edit) (+1)

Absolutely loved the game. Can't wait for the finale release!

Thank you so much! I can't wait to release the full game either


I would suggest Game Maker Studio.

but be careful. before starting GM:S take note on the cost (permanent) to export to other platforms.

Hi there! We are actually developing the full game in Unity, which was the original idea from the beginning, so we are currently able to export to multiple platforms, but consoles are not being considered yet.


I haven't even played this game yet, and the art and gameplay look beautiful! Hoping for a good experience and a full version.

Aww, thank you, it really means a lot to hear that :D!

Deleted 227 days ago

Thank you so much for doing this (and congrats on that critical attack, haha!)

(1 edit) (+1)

I just started the demo with a friend and havent done much, but both love it (though at one point i wanted to change the story line myself, though no spoilers :P ).

It is brilliant and looks great!!

Thank you so much, I'm glad you've enjoyed the demo so far :D!


The artwork so far has been phenomenal. I love the little sneak peeks of the characters so far; this game is very promising! Apart from a typo I encountered ( supposed to be character's, not that big of a deal I just wanted to point it out) the demo is lovely. I'm super excited to back it on indiegogo, and I wish you the best of success with this game. c:

Sorry for taking so long to reply :(!! Aww, thank you so much for the compliments, and I hadn't seen that typo, thank you so much for pointing that out too.

Linux version ?

Hi, there's no Linux demo available since the engine used for the demo does not export for Linux. We are now developing the full game in Unity, so exporting to Linux is no problem at all.

i think this game is very realistic and immersive, which is something i really appreciate since a lot of games nowadays are about magic and are borderline fantasy. the story is very simple yet is so captivating! i read on a blog that you've spent 12 years developing the story and the characters, and honestly i think it's 12 years well spent. great game!!!


Aww, thank you so much for your kind words! This really means a lot to me ;__;

Qué hermoso todo, Camila! Ojalá salga todo como te lo proponés <3

(saludos desde Argentina)

Muchísimas gracias por el apoyo ♥


The pixel art in this game is absolutely fantastic. The story is pretty alright. The engine (for the demo) isn't very good and feels awkward and very slow at times. It also currently feels a little clunky.

I definitely recommend LOVE2D as a wonderful engine for you to use, Camila Gormaz. I also hope you look into diagonal movement and perhaps something to make the combat a bit more interesting.

Otherwise, I can't wait to play the full game!

Thank you! I didn't know about that engine, I'll check it out.

(1 edit) (+1)

Did my first video on your game, and loved it! Much more where this comes from!

Hey, that's nice! I like the voices you used for the instructor and the female NPCs, haha. Good job!


Use RPG Maker MV dev?

For this demo, RPG Maker MV was used, but I'm currently working on another engine for the full game, so I'll be able to export it to more platforms.


Hi ! Your game is just awesome! I love the game concept. I found that the mechanics from visual novel and shooters were well integrated. The story is really innovative! Congratulations! I hope to see the full version soon! ;)

Here is my gameplay but sorry in advance for the delay between the sound/video, I could not fix the problem ><' :

Hey, sorry for taking so long to reply, I have no excuse :(!!
Thank you so much for your kind words, and don't worry about the audio issue ♥ I'm glad you enjoyed it :D


Hey! Your game is on Featured Games list. Congratulations!


Amazing! I love it! The only thing I want to mention is that the closer combat is a little slow, like in the target practice area. The sniping part is fine, but just a heads up. I Cannot wait to see the finished product.

Este juego puede que tenga un gran futuro entre los "RPG lovers". Su arte es espectacular, la interpretación es excelente, la ambientación y el trasfondo muy interesante (Me llama mucho la atención la historia del CORE, espero no se abandone). Me gusta mucho la dirección que toma y los temas que toca dentro de su arco. La demo hace muy bien su trabajo, da un buen vistazo de la historia y también muestra las mecánicas. Los personajes tienen carisma y una muy buena química entre ellos, que con los temas del juego, puede ser muy interesante de explorar. Espero que las escenas de sniper se repitan, son parte del personaje principal y una muy buena mecánica de rompecabezas o "puzzle" que identifican al juego por sobre los demás. Es muy bueno, pero tiene ciertas fallas...

Tengo las siguientes quejas:

- Los rostros de los personajes en los sprites (O cuando no están hablando...) son muy disonantes con el tema y lo que deberían sentir, tengo la sensación de que veo maniquíes y escucho las voces de otro. Los sprites no son tan fieles a los retratos (Mas alla del color de pelo y el corte); algo que incluso los grandes como Final Fantasy VI cometían pero no hace falta cometerlo.

- El sistema de combate necesita ser pulido. Quizás es mi imaginación, pero los combates se sienten más largos de lo que deberían y muy fuera de lugar. El sistema de moral me parece estupendo, y los distintos tipos de munición también. Pero son encuentros cercanos con armas de fuego. Un solo disparo debería ser letal para cualquier persona, y aunque sea un videojuego, pienso que este elemento ayudaría mucho más a este proyecto. Reemplazar puntos de vida con zonas sin herir, o con impactos restantes que resistirá el equipamento quizás ayudaría a este sistema. Y siento que mis personajes son como los stormtroopers de StarWars, de 10 disparos aciertan 2 o 3. De repente el enemigo casi acierta siempre sus disparos, pero incluso disparando siempre al pecho fallo muchas veces. Quizás simplemente subir la probabilidad de acierto en cada zona, poder tomar cobertura para no recibir daño y/o "concentrarse" para subir la probabilidad de disparo también son buenas iniciativas.

En serio le tengo mucha expectativa a este juego, me quede con las ganas de jugar más, me engancho desde el inicio su temática y su historia, pero me gustaría ver mejora en lo que comenté, pienso que son para bien del proyecto y para que gane la popularidad que se merece. Esperaré con ansias su lanzamiento oficial!

Muchas gracias, Coinhunter! Hay hartas cosas que quiero mejorar (sobretodo del sistema de batalla). En cuanto a los portraits, en ciertas partes me hicieron falta más expresiones faciales y tuve que usar las que tenía. Eso será corregido sí o sí en la versión completa, y dependiendo del tiempo, me encantaría agregarle además una pose distinta a los personajes principales.


ah, está mal que ya shipeo a los personajes? ( ̄◇ ̄;)

Me encanta leer esta clase de comentarios, haha (灬º 艸º灬)


Me encantó! el arte es muy bonito, la historia muy interesante y los personajes adorables, necesito el juego completo


Por Ali baba y los 40 ladrones! esta hermooooso el juego!! *m* con solo ver el trailer del juego se nota que promete bastante lml! Me das permiso para grabar un vídeo del Demo?! tengo que mostrar este hermoso juego en mi canal xDD Y mucha suerte en el proyecto Camila lml

Disculpa, tardé demasiado en ver esto ;; No sé si ya lo hiciste, pero todos tienen permiso para hacer let's play o streams de la demo. Muchas gracias por las buenas vibras!

(1 edit) (+1)

Wow, es bonito (y feo a la vez...) ver proyectos indies chilenos como este :) Porque empezar algo así por estos lados es re-dificil, pero cuando la calidad se muestra nada que hacer.
El arte se precioso, y al ver los distintos sistemas de juego me parecieron muy interesantes, así que nada, a probar que tal el demo :)
Cuando termines (o incluso ahora) te recomendaría intentar subir tu trabajo a Steam Greenlight, seguro te va mas que bien :D
Nada, suerte con tu proyecto, intenta correr la voz lo mas que puedas. Aunque por lo que parece vas por buen camino ^^
PD: Y podrías subir el demo a otro servidor que esta cosa descarga como a 50kbs/s e_e
PD,PD: ¡Ah!, solo por curiosidad (y si no te molesta...) ¿en que programa estas desarrollando el juego? Me gusta ver que alternativas toman los desarrolladores independientes :)


Acabo de terminar la demo. es hermoso, no sabria como describirlo bien. el diseño de los personajes, el ambiente, Bgm, historia, todo es hermoso. me hace sentir orgulloso que una chilena haya logrado magnitud de trabajo. y sola para variar. animo y muchas felicidades por tu trabajo. (pd: por cierto he hecho unos fanart de tu juego. y me gustaria que los vieras.donde te los puedo pasar?). (pd2: como para cuando estara completo por steam?, muero por comprarlo y jugarlo pronto >w<)

¡Muchas gracias! Me alegra que te haya gustado. Oooh, fanarts :D! Puedes mandármelos a La fecha de lanzamiento depende de un montón de cosas ya que estoy en proceso de conseguir financiamiento, pero el juego completo se lanzará sí o sí ya que ha sido mi sueño desde hace más de 12 años.


Pues con mayor razon felicidades!!... muy pocos consiguen siquiera acercarse a sus sueños y que tu seas capaz de hacerlo, y dejarnos ser participes de ello. es un honor ademas de ya ser fan de tu trabajo...ya muero por jugarlo completo...>w<... (PD:sorry la tardanza en responder, las clases me tenian copado.U_U) ok!! te los enviare entonces ;) ) SUERTE Y BENDICIONES EN ESTE MARAVILLLOSO PROYECTO!!!


hola soy youtuber me preguntaria si podria grabar tu juego para darlo a conocer a mas gente ya que es genial

pd:¿para cuando la vercion completa?

¡Hola! Claro, puedes grabar el juego, no hay problema. La fecha de lanzamiento de la versión completa dependerá de varias cosas, dependiendo del financiamiento.

muchas gracias esperare con ansias la vercion completa :


gracias por el empeño, se nota, hermoso apartado grafico, esperando la version completa

¡Muchísimas gracias!

Is there any plans for mac support when you release the full game?

Definitely! I'm also working on a Mac port for the demo as well.


Also, is the final version of this game going to be free? *Crosses fingers*

Also, is the final game going to be distributed on Steam?

Yeah, I'll put the complete game on Steam. The full game will be commercial.


The concept sounds really interesting.


Great work with the demo!!! Can't wait to see the full version!!!

Thank you, I'm glad to hear that!


Just finished the demo; spectacular work! Definitely looking forward to the full version.

Thank you so much!

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